MAYFAIR 13EC 000 Soft Toilet Seat

MAYFAIR 13EC 000 Soft Toilet Seat

MAYFAIR 13EC 000 Soft Toilet Seat

Customer Reviews:

1. I don’t often think about rating a Toilet seat but in this case I can’t give it more than 5 stars and I would if they would let me. About 6 months ago I noticed our old toilet seat in the downstairs bathroom was grungy and the paint was starting to crack so I went to the hardware store and bought a replacement.

Our old one was plain, white, wooden so I decided to spice things up a little and I bought a walnut wooden seat. Well, you would not have guessed it but my Wife and Daughter both thought it was horrible. It just didn’t look right.

Being the man of the house I put my foot down and said: “your just going to have to learn to like it.” As time went on I found I didn’t like it either. Because of the way it mounted, it wouldn’t stay on tightly and every time it started to loosen up I had to stick my head down in that general area in order to reach the hardware to re-tighten it.

This week I order this Mafair 13-000 soft seat.

Well, the only complaint I can come up with is that the description doesn’t emphasis that you can turn two locking mounts and REMOVE THE ENTIRE SEAT for easy cleaning. The mounting system is genius (and I’m an Engineer so it takes a lot to impress me!) In addition, it’s soft, its warm, it mounts the first time very easily and, as I said, it’s easily removable for cleaning the toilet.

What more can a person ask for a toilet seat? “Honey, bring me a book, I might be here a while!”
PS my wife and my daughter love me again.

2. For several days, I searched several websites and read through hundreds of customer reviews before finally deciding on which toilet seat to purchase. My husband is diabetic, has a bad back and suffers from nerve damage and chronic pain.

Hard seats are too uncomfortable for him so I started purchasing soft seats from Walmart. You know the ones I’m talking about. The cheap plastic ones that flatten after the first sitting and then snap shortly afterwards. I got so fed up with having to keep purchasing a new one after not even a few weeks of use.

It took me a while to decide on this Mafair 13-000 soft seat because there were so many conflicting reviews. You either love it or you hate it. Well, I finally decided to take the leap and purchase it. Boy am I glad I did.

This is the most awesome soft toilet seat I have ever owned. It is so well put together. It’s heavy, the seat and the lid. There will be no snapping/breaking of this toilet. The vinyl is very strong and woven together perfectly.

No rips or tears. It’s absolutely perfect and I believe it’s going to last a very long time. I plan to purchase another one really soon too because I’m afraid of the price going up. Actually, it’s already more expensive at some other places. My husband loves it too.

He says it’s very comfortable and he doesn’t have the issue of painful pressure points if he has to be on it for a long time. He weighs around 228 lbs so I don’t think your weight will be a factor if you are on the heavy side. The seat is very well padded and the lid feels more padded than the seat. Not sure why, but it’s all good.

I don’t usually write long reviews unless I’m blown away by a product so believe me when I say, you don’t need to look any further if you’re in need of a really great soft elongated toilet seat.

Also, when I read through the critical reviews, which I always do because I am most interested in why customers don’t like a Mafair 13-000 soft seat, I found that almost all of them were actually reviewing the round version of this toilet seat.

I can’t attest to the condition of that one, but as far as the elongated version is concerned, this product is awesome. One more thing, the length is listed as 18.5 which is the same length as the cheap Walmart seat I was purchasing.

It was always a little longer and just a bit wider than my toilet. I was expecting this Bemis seat to fit the exact same way, but to my surprise, it didn’t. It was an absolutely perfect fit for my toilet as if it were the original seat that came with the toilet. I own a ProFlo elongated toilet.

I hope this review helps someone who is on the fence as to whether or not to purchase this toilet. I don’t believe you will regret it.

3.Installation was completed in twelve minutes! I was EXTREMELY sceptical at first, but after looking at the reviews, I decided to give it a shot. This thing stays PUT! And is the most comfortable padded seat I have used in TWENTY YEARS!!! The locking hinges are a much-needed improvement over other models…:) Very satisfied with this purchase, and will be getting a second one for sure!!!

4.Sturdy, easy to install, and truly comfortable to sit on — even for a person with inflamed sitz bones and painful sacroiliac joint (thanks, arthritis).

Design-wise, the seat locks into the plastic bolts securely (and stays that way). When cleaning, the seat readily detaches from (and reattaches to) said bolts. The lid and seat are linked at the hinges near the bolt locks.

As such, the design requires both lid and seat to remain attached to be functional. Additionally, the closed lid is comfortable and durable enough to sit on while cleaning a neaby tub or clipping toenails, etc.

Materials-wise, the foam stays pliant and retains its cushioning. The surface wipes up easily; the lid and topside of the Mafair 13-000 soft seat itself retains its whiteness One minor cleaning caveat: the underside of the seat’s vinyl seems prone to discoloration, but cleaning it with a bleach solution/cleaning spray seems to do the trick.

Durability wise, I bought this seat to replace a seat of the same brand and model/design (here, repackaged under Mayfair brand). The previous seat lasted 4-5 years (which I consider good mileage for a foam toilet seat).

After 4 years of use in the only washroom of a 2 adult household, the lid arms cracked and eventually snapped at about the same time that the vinyl’s finish had begun to wear down. To me, this translates to the quality being consistent overall. More at

5. Good seat, comfortable, my only complaint is that it’s not very well balanced, every time I lift the round seat to do my business standing (because I’m a man you know) :), it wants to fall back down so I have to hold it up while I go so it doesn’t fall while I’m in the middle of my biz, not exactly comfortable.

There is no friction adjustment screw to help hold the seat up, so I’m going to have to come up with some creative way to hold the seat up so I don’t have to hold it from falling while I’m going while doing my biz standing.

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